forum Is everyone dead?
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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only on the inside

Yeah, somehow I swallowed the acid. Soon the outside, though.


oh sorry @TurtleOfFreedom I def didn't even see your comment… but isn't interiour masculine, so je suis morte (pour moi, parce que je suis une fille) au interiour?


well, then you do you boo, but I was just making the sentence appropriate for me lol, which is why I said pour moi. But you know, whatever works for you


Actually if we define death as your cells dying at a faster rate than they're reproducing, you don't truly start dying until your early-mid twenties


Whelp every second you live is a second closer to your death so if you define dying as the slow but inevitable march Time leads you on until your body deteriorates and the life leaves your organic form then we’re both right