forum Is anyone bilingual?
Started by @Sugar-Lover

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English is my first language, and I'm pretty fluent in French (I graduated with an award for biliteracy), so I can do a lot of french stuff.
I'm learning Spanish and Japanese. I can read a lot more spanish than I can speak lol
and I at least know the hiragana/kana, which is the Japanese alphabet. So I can like. Read words aloud, unless they're kanji (essentially characters borrowed from Chinese and they're more complicated). Knowing what they mean? yeah that's another story and I'm working on it


starts waving hand around like Hermione
I'm currently living in Brazil, so I'm pretty much fluent in Portuguese
And I can understand Spanish, though I'm still learning to pronounce the difference between the Brazilian and Spanish accents and differences.
English is my first language tho

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I’m native English but am fluent in Filipino/Cebuano and Italian

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English is my first language, Pig Latin is my second, and Meaningless Gibberish is my third language.


English is my first language, Pig Latin is my second, and Meaningless Gibberish is my third language.


@Starfast group

I wouldn't really call myself bilingual, but I do know enough French to hold a decent conversation. I used to live in Quebec, so from Kindergarten to Grade 5 half of my school day was in French. But then I moved and no one speaks French out here (In grade 6 and 7 I spoke better French then my teacher. That's not even an exaggeration) and my French speaking abilities have kind of dwindled.


French is my first language and I'm pretty much bilingual in English (at least I'd hope so) and Italian. That's really cool that some of you are fluent in French, it's honestly a hard language to learn when you're not native!

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English is my first languege, I'm learning Spanish, but I think I know enough to have a conversation, but I also speak a little bit of Vietnamese, but I understand more then I speak.


English is my first language and I know enough Spanish to get by (I went to the Dominican Republic this year and went to school there, I also was a missionary there. It was really fun.) I'm currently learning Korean. I can read the words but understanding them is another thing. I can understand more than I speak.


English is my first language and I know enough Spanish to get by (I went to the Dominican Republic this year and went to school there, I also was a missionary there. It was really fun.) I'm currently learning Korean. I can read the words but understanding them is another thing. I can understand more than I speak.

Hey! I'm a missionary kid in Brazil!


I'm learning Spanish but I'm not good at it. I'm hoping once I study abroad in Spain + take a few Spanish classes in college I'll get decent at it

@Becfromthedead group

English is the only language I'm completely fluent in. I know Spanish well enough that I tested out of all of my Spanish requirements for college. I definitely read and write it much better than I can speak and listen, so I'm not so sure how well I could hold a conversation. I also have taken Latin, which is a really cool (although dead) language and helps with vocabulary for other languages.


First language is Mandarin (no, actually, Sarcasm), but can't really write anymore (moved to English-speaking country in Grade 3) but can speak and read fluently. Still speaks better English than most of the native English population though (not exaggerating, it's proven at school). Learning French, but just beginning. Can swear in, like, nine langauges

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English is my native tongue, but my parents say that I speak perfect bullsh*t! 😂😂