forum Is anyone alive and if so, can we talk? I's bored. (Currently, loop All Star.)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

It's a cool place and they say it gets colder
Seriously though, my house got hit by a tornado.

Deleted user

But the meteor men beg to differ
Yes. It wasn't big but big enough to destroy our rabbit tree. I saw it first, the whole building flew off the ground and all our rabbit's got drenched, we got them sheltered and calmed them down. It was really traumatizing.

Deleted user

The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
Yup, perfectly fine. I gotta fix the rabbit tree though, mud's everywhere and it makes things very difficult. Poor rabbits are a mess, especially the babies.

Deleted user

Yup, they have mud on them but they're sheltered in groups to keep warm. They're currently in our other tree that's more stable. We're gonna clean them up tommorow, it's too dark now.

Deleted user

My world's on fire, how about yours?

More like: My world's in a muddy mess, hows yours? :)


Not as muddy but not great.. found out I got out-of-district to a school I REALLY wanted to go to but…my boyfriend is all pissed about it(ish, idk, he seems…standoff-ish) and it's really bumming me out, which sucks bc I already have to leave my bffs and him but at least my bffs are all happy for me..sorry, I've been needing to vent


I don't want to call him out on it but it's really been bothering me, I mean I get it, I'm leaving to go to a new school and that's gonna complicate our relationship but…..can't he at least fake enthusiasm?

Deleted user

To me, fake enthusiasm is like a lie. It's like forcing a person to be happy for you without voicing their own opinion. I honestly hate it when anybody does this to me, makes me feel worse. I'd rather know their true feelings about the situation than lie about it.
But hey, that's just a 13-year-old girl's opinion. I don't know the whole story, so I have no right to judge.

Deleted user

I understand that too. There are always two sides to one story.

Deleted user

I find I funny how we're having a serious talk about tornados and relationships and at the same time, we're singing All Star.
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas?