forum Is anybody even up at this ungodly hour or am I alone?
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Lmao! Skyrim references, yes!

Fun fact: ’Took an arrow in the knee’ is actually a Norse proverb for getting married.

I learned that from one of my moms XD

One of my brothers told me about it. We both love Norse mythology.

I honestly wish I could fix my relationship with my brother. . .
Sorry! Enough dark and moody-

Deleted user

I can imagine. I hated school. Biased idiots. But, anyway, before I start ranting.


Deleted user

It’s alright. For now, we keep this chat lighthearted. We still have a half asleep one around, lol. But… I’m about to get off anyway. My phone is at 2%, so yeah. Good night ahead of time.

Lol bye good night

Deleted user

Ello shadows, zombies and phantoms. And a special welcome for the skeletons in the closets XD