forum Ironic Shoutouts
Started by @RedTheLoveless

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Shoutout to my homophopic and transphobic grandma for not only buying me a pride shirt but also unknowingly getting me the undershirt version of a binder. You may not like what I am, but the who I am matters most.

Shoutout to my narcissistic grandmother who forever fucked up my internal love compass and took me years of work and self-love to undo the damage you've done. I now place my needs above others so as to never turn into the doll you tried to train me to become.

Shoutout to the dark entities in and around my house. I am forever vigilant under your unending watch.

Shoutout to my nightmares that love to become more frequent whenever you please. My fear response is almost nonexistent thanks to your persistence.

Shoutout to my first abuser for making appointments just to force yourself on me, all in the name of trying to improve me. May my anxiety disorder prove you wrong every day I live on.

Shoutout to my second abuser, who took my confessional experience from the first one to make your own abuse more subtly powerful over me. Your name may make me want to punch the nearest thing, but I'm still alive to have that reaction.

Shoutout to my insomnia. Though you have become less frequent now, at least you granted me uninterrupted time to work on my projects until I began to tire.

Shoutout to that inner voice in the back of my head who whispers the most messed up things into my conscience. You're honestly just such a cowardly bitch, unable to face me knowing full well I'd win. You do grant me great inspiration for my stories, I'll give you that.

Feel free to add on and just keep this thread going with ironic shoutouts to people/things that don't deserve a good shoutout but you want to vent in one of the pettiest way. This may just be a stupid brain idea but I needed to get it out so here we are lol

@HighPockets group

Shoutout to my grandma, who left, came back for one day, and left again. Thanks for the books and pancakes, I'd care more if you visited or invited me up.
Shoutout to some aunts and uncles, who taught me that family ties can be severed and didn't even bother stating why.
Shoutout to the two-faced bitch I knew in elementary school, for showing me how to tell a good influence from a bad.
Shoutout to my depression, because I'm turning 15 tomorrow no matter what you say the year will be like.
Shoutout to my psychiatrist, for giving me the worst medications known to mankind. I have you to thank for the depression I still have 2 years later from those pills.
Shoutout to my anxiety, for always being with me even in the happiest and calmest of times.
Shoutout to my feet, for hurting so much my high pain tolerance wasn't enough.
Shoutout to my brain, for making me overanalyze everything,
Shoutout to my ADD for never letting my brain calm down.
Shoutout to my insomnia for letting me go on Pinterest at night instead of falling asleep.
Shoutout to the doctor who, when asked what I should do for my headaches, replied that I should take more tylonel and wear my sunglasses all the time.
Shoutout to a certain softball team, your coaches are obnoxious and I'll always relish the looks on their faces when I showed bunt, pulled back, and got a triple. Or when I bunted and got to second. Keep practicing.
Shoutout to fandoms, for making me dislike being a fan of things.
Shoutout to my thoughts, because no, I will not cronch a leaf or touch the hot stove, no matter what you think it will be like.


Shoutout to my parents, for excusing each other for being rude, but when I call them out on it, get mad at me.
Shoutout to the sexist homophobic guy in my grade, for always trying to get into my friend group.
Shoutout to the school system, for being a bitch.
Shoutout to my body, for never giving me a break from an illness.
Shoutout to my gender, for not making sense.
Shoutout to my body, for being all wrong in the places I don't want it to be.
Shoutout to my brother, for never missing a chance to yell at me.
Shoutout to sports, for giving me more self-hatred than I ever need.
Shoutout to my mind, for never being able to do things right.

@Mojack group

I don’t vent often, but y’know, sometimes I need to, and this way seems nice enough for me.

Shoutout to my ‘friend’ that seemed to be one of the nicest people in the world and all of the sudden cut connections with me.
Shoutout to my anxiety for making school harder.
Shoutout to me procrastinating for also making school stressful.
Shoutout to the coats on the back of my door that whenever I shut off the lights it looks like a person standing there and I am not joking, I’ve gotta wear sleeping masks almost every night
Shoutout to my sleep paralysis for scaring me.
Shoutout to my deepest, darkest thoughts for making me click on things I’ll regret.
Shoutout to 12 year old me for downloading 585848 viruses onto the computer.
Shoutout to my sister’s ex for being a complete arse and not even caring about your own son, but acting like you do. Also bonus points for cheating. Not.
Shoutout to the person who called me a little piece of shit when I was 8 years old and making me afraid to speak my mind.
Shoutout to my ‘normalish’ mind saying “one more website” before bed but I end up staying up until 4 am.
Shoutout to my throat for getting hurt.
Shoutout to my upper left molars for not coming out properly and I’m going to have to get surgery now.
Shoutout to my past teeth for getting infected and hurting like hell.
Shoutout to all of my baby teeth for not coming out, but for a few of them.
Shoutout to Mother Nature for not giving me some adult teeth.
Shoutout to PETA Instagram for blocking my five accounts for attempting to debate friendly.

Deleted user

Shoutout to my father who has threatened my life on numerous occasions.
Shoutout to my mind and body for being total shit.
Shoutout to my mind(again…) for my amazing writing prompts, coming from personal experience
Shoutout to Wyatt for leaving me and the constant homophobic comments, we all appreciate them greatly rolls eyes
Shoutout to those creeps at the pool the other day, for staring at me.

@Moxie group

Shoutout to my ADHD. Because of you, coffee doesn't work but at least it gives me awesome naps. You took away some of my ability to know when to stop (talking, being annoying, take your pick) but at least you made me more cautious around people. Granted, you did that by making me think they hate me, but it gets me to shut up when I need to. I'm even learning to cry less when I get snapped at.

Shoutout to the hospital and my body because even though I hate both of you for what happened, you taught me to count my blessings and be grateful for every day I'm not there with a needle in my wrist or lying groggy on the couch unable to move because of the pain you caused me. And even though I am not done with you and never will be, at least today I am okay and thankful. (One of the things I am thankful for is that my visits are short and boring. No news is very very good news). Thank you for teaching me how to rock scars and not be ashamed of them, no matter how much some people want me to be.

Shoutout to the homophobic and transphobic church leaders. You say one thing and then do another. I think you just don't know how to love us and think we are wrong. But at least you opened conversation. At least a few of us - the ones who know- have a support network now. At least we know we can rely on each other. And you've taught us to be more cautious of the adults we trust. Especially those of us that are young and easily trusting. We know what happens now.