forum Introduction
Started by Kaitlyn

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Hi! My name is Kaitlyn. I have been interested in writing for about 2 years now. I found this website on my Pinterest and thought I might try it out.

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I am Skit
I'm sure you won't be disappointed


Yeah, welcome Kaitlyn!
I'm Natasha, resident cinnamon roll of this site as dubbed by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin lol
As @WriteLikeYoureRunningOutOfTime said, everyone on this site is always ready to help and everyone's super friendly.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have. :)


Hey Kaitlyn!
I'm Kat, and I'm the eldest sister of the Notebook fam (also dubbed such by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin lol)
This site is v nice, welcome to our cult. JK JK it's not a cult I swear. But anyways, the community is fantastic (I've been here for maybe 2 months now?) and super helpful and it's just amazing. 10/10 would join again.
Okay I'm done now, welcome


Salutations Kaitlyn!

I'm Sly, the father on this site. I adopt anyone who comes on!

I'm here for you if you need help with writing, advice, or just emotional support. I'll help you as best as I can.


Heyyyy I'm Sol I'm a weird dragon person thing
Anywho welcome to Notebook we are all a big united family and yeah idk but



(hey Kaitlyn… you should come to the "Anybody want a British Friend" chat…. that's where I made all my internet friends and we're always open for more)

Deleted user

Hey Katilyn, welcome to the family!
Not sure what you can call me, Line is good, but if you need anything, I'm here!

(Why didn't I get dubbed?)