forum intro & discord invite! :)
Started by @reid

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i don't think i ever really made a proper intro on here…so i'll go ahead and do that now. i'm reid, i'm 18 and i'm nb/male and gay :) i love pokemon and animal crossing and the mcelroys and really all things oc content and world building!

but anyways! here's a link to a discord server i made:

basically what it's for is to just chat! that can be about anything, including ocs/world building, or just general fun stuff! there's also a category and channels for rping and the likes - although, no basic plot or genre has been set up but brainstorming is much appreciated! if need be i can always add a separate channel for another rp.

i also posted this in the charahub forums, but that site isn't always reliable, so i'll post it here too!

if you join, wonderful! but you MUST read the rules and you MUST make an introductory post :)