forum internet frens
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 45 followers


Greetings and salutations. I haven't been here in fOrEvEr so… I'd like to reintroduce myself and meet some of you cool peeps. I'm absnt_mindd and I'm pretty sleep deprived (I guess that's all for the introduction rn). Perhaps we can exchange memes and engage in other forms of traditional friendship over the internet.

plz, introduce yourselves.


Heyo, I’m Amber, theatre nerd and writer (obviously). I do have memes, and I love to rp (though I’m not taking any new ones right now) and collaborate on writing projects. You can pm me and stuff, I’ll reply as soon as I can :)


Yooo I'm a theater nerd too! Stage tech only, not an actor tho. Imma backstage dweller- curtains, light, stage craft, and such.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm like best friends with Crocs, another user on here, and I've had dreams that were super accurate about Crocs. Dream Crocs was pretty damn close in personality, and I got little things right that I had no business knowing, considering I was never told those little bits

@ElderGod-kirky group

Indeed it does. There are other pieces of "evidence" supporting that theory, but I digress

So, internet friends. I'm in need of some, so feel free to hit me up if you want to chat

@ElderGod-kirky group

It's basically this: People call me one name that is nowhere near my first name, but is the first half of my last name. I was going to be named that until my parents put the first and last name together and realized the repetition. Another funny thing, my last name would be different had my one great great times whatever grandfather not been adopted by his stepfather

The theory was, if I remember correctly, my name is the one people accidentally call me, but in a different dimension


I saw a meme that presented this idea, but basically everyone makes fun of NASA for space exploration when they could be exploring the oceans on our own planet which we know so little about. The meme proposed the question "what if NASA actually HAS explored the ocean and that's why they're trying to find ways off the planet, bc they're scared of what they found?"

Now I'm scared.