forum Interesting words!
Started by @witchinkayt

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Hey guys! Someone I know needs a lot of interesting words so I figured I would come to Notebook for help! If you know any big or interesting words, put them here, in this format:

vendetta (noun)
ven·det·ta ┊ /venˈdedə/

— a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.

now go find interesting words! be full of knowledge!


• Cattywampuss
is not lined up or not arranged correctly, or diagonally.
• Rock and mineral names can be interesting. Ex: Bornite, Flourite, Calcite, Antimonite…


Uhtceare is an old english word meaning lying awake before dawn and worrying. It was literally used only once, but it's pretty cool.
Also one that's used a little more often than once is Rawgabbit, which is talking confidently about something you know absolutely nothing about. It's a type of person, according to the definition.

@Starfast group

Irridescent- displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow.

Clandestine- characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of
subversion or deception; private or surreptitious:

Inauspicious- boding ill; ill-omened; unfavorable.

Quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.

Belvedere- a building, or architectural feature of a building, designed and situated to look out upon a pleasing scene

Melancholy- a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression

Monolith- an obelisk, column, large statue, etc., formed of a single block of stone.

Allegro- Musical term meaning brisk or rapid in tempo.

Chiaroscuro- composition of strong contrasts in light and dark

Also, I know a lot of horse related words so here's some:

Equitation- a rider's position while mounted, and encompasses a rider's ability to ride correctly and with effective aids

Levade- a movement in which the horse first lowers its body on increasingly bent hocks, then sits on its hind hooves while keeping its forelegs raised and drawn in.

Capriole- a movement in which the horse jumps up with its forelegs well drawn in, kicks out with its hind legs in a horizontal position in the air, and then lands again on the same spot.

Martingale-part of the tack or harness of a horse used to steady or hold down the horse's head.

Latigo- a leather strap on the saddletree of a Western saddle used to tighten and secure the cinch.

Kimblewick- A type of mild curb bit.

(I also know some veterinary vocabulary because I work at a vet clinic. Idk if it's the kind of words you're looking for, but I can post some tomorrow if you want?)

we need bigger, fancier words

How's this:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- The fear of long words (yeah really).


Defenestration: the act of throwing someone out a window.
Overmorrow: the day after tomorrow:
Sonder: The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

@Starfast group

Here's some more:

Effervescent- vivacious; merry; lively; sparkling.
Ethereal- light, airy, or tenuous
Pinniped- belonging to the Pinnipedia, a suborder of carnivores with limbs adapted to an aquatic life, including the seals and walruses.
Inauspicious- boding ill; ill-omened; unfavorable.
Bombastic- high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious.
Discombobulate- to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate
Piaffe- a cadenced trot executed on one spot, with a well-elevated leg action
Asunder- into separate parts; in or into pieces
edit: forgot one
Eclectic- selecting or choosing from various sources.


Bumfuzzle-confused, perplexed, to cause confusion
Snickersnee- a type of long dangerous knife
Gubbins- something of little value, gadget, device, someone who is silly
Flibbertigibbet- someone who is silly and talks incessantly
Erinaceous-someone or something that resembles a hedgehog
Quire-2 dozen sheets of paper
Zoanthropy- a person who has delusions that they are a form of animal/are an animal

And my personal favorite:
Pauciloquent-a person of few words


Uxurious: a great love of one's wife (got this from reading Everything, Everything, it was great)
Parse: to analyze/break down a sentence into its parts and describe the roles of each part