forum Infinity War.
Started by @KawaiiCuteness003

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People told me that I shouldn't spoil Undertale for myself until I played it. I did. Kinda killed the experience for me :(

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Also, "My cousin works at Marvel" Is at the same level of credibility as "I have an uncle who works for Nintendo"

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A bit of skepticism here…
Despite Avengers: Infinity War having as large of a scale as it did, there were no major or notable leaks. Yes, there were some leaks, but many of them have already been debunked or came from sources that weren't very credible. Infinity War was made by both Marvel and Disney, two companies with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WHO OWN TONS OF COMPANIES AND FRANCHISES. For two large companies to have kept a movie of such scale under wraps for so long really says something. They probably had to keep hundreds of people under contract just so the movie wouldn't be spoiled. My point is this: you are saying your cousin was an editor, whose job is to take footage of the movie and piece it together, add music, audio, etc. Why would the editor tell a child (I'm assuming you're in the 9-15-year-old range due to the poor spelling and grammar) the events and details of the movie? Also, I may not be in the film business, but I'm pretty sure editors don't "work" with the actors (whatever that means).