forum Infinity War Updates
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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It's also Chris Evan's last movie because his contract is ending…….so yeah.

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I think the movie's name is either going to be Fallen Heros, Final Hour, of Infinity Gauntlet.

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They're going back in time, the kid from Iron Man 3 is going to be in it, Loki is also going to be in it.

Deleted user

What if it was just Infinity War 2

No, it was been confirmed that it starts with F and ends with H, so I've heard. But infinity gauntlet because Zoe gave it away so I think they are changing the title.

Deleted user

Finfinity War Two-ith

Yep. That's it. That's the title.

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Guys, the title of Infinity War 2 is going to be revealed in the end scene of Antman and Wasp!

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Just to give you guys a live update, Tony Stark is going to die in the next infinity war movie

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So is Captain America, but we all know that. RDJ isn't in the cast of the next Spiderman Movie.