forum In 'sota, we say 'pop'.
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 5 followers


Lol, same here. All I know is my family says that a lot (both sides, which is pretty strange). But then again, we also use slang from back in the 20s and 50s, so I don't know that to thing, lol.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Lol. My grandma says "You betcha" all the time. Since I lived w/her most of my life, I say it once in a while, too… Apparently, it's a stereotypical Minnesotan thing.


Oh definitely. Though we sometimes shorten it to a simple "oof". Add that to the accent, and the native Idahoans barely understand us, lol.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Lol. I don't have an accent compared to the more northern Minnesotans. I mean, it's slight, and different from, say, New Jersey, but not so… pronounced as it could be.


We did live up north a little bit, so that might be why. But it's kind of entertaining to be the only one in your class with a weird accent, lol. Especially since it was a theater class.


Lol, that would be awesome! Unfortunately the only play's we've had are Nightmare before Christmas, Alice and Wonderland, and now we're working on the Arabian nights. I'll have to suggest a play like that though, it would be pretty funny.