forum "In Fair Verona" RP, Stalker Fan Chat [GUYS LETS TALK ABOUT HOW AMAZING THIS RP IS]
Started by @Joy_

people_alt 32 followers


Guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys Paris and Juliet are in the gardens I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS WITH SOMEONE

Deleted user

I didn't even know this existed until now. This rp has been the joy of my life Cries

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Yeah. Now, I need to know, what do you think of: Paris?


I'm not sure yet, but I know that I would be okay with him dying if it came down to him and Romeo. Like, yeah, he's in the same (ish) boat as Juliet, but I just can't stand the way he's trying to almost manipulate and seduce her. It's absolutely killing me, and I just want him to go away forever.

Deleted user

I actually sympathize and like him a lot in this beginning stage. Yes, he is being a bit influential. But he is in the same boat as Juliet and trying to make the best out of it. His heart doesn't belong to anyone else (not that we know of) so this is basically a pretty normal planned date. I feel as though he's that side character in arranged marriage stories that starts catching feelings for the other and gets those feelings hurt with a smile because they love that person and want them to be happy, even if it does rip out their heart when they finally thought they'd have some happiness in their lives.


Yeah, that makes sense, and yeah, he isn't in love. I guess I'm really just nervous on how thing are gonna turn out for Juliet and Romeo! I hope they make him a little easier to hate in the future lol.

Deleted user

XD I actually suspect he will be quite useful in the future. We'll just have to wait.

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No, he's not. You have to keep in mind, he doesn't know Jules like we and Romeo do. He's knows nothing of who she truly is besides the facade she's putting up. He was being a little sexist but out of concern/duty, not out of male superiority. Stop trying to hate him.


Hang on, I’m not trying hate him, chill, I just want to be able to say what I feel about this rp, which is the purpose of this chat. I just don’t like him very much right now because he’s trying to control Juliet. I’m getting a bad few about him, and I have a feeling for some reason that he’s going to turn out a massive control freak over her, like her dad.

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Okay, but I' still going to defend him until he royally screws up. So far, he's trying to engage in a relationship that will never work because he's not Romeo, that's no fault his, is it?


That works, and yeah, I guess. I get it, but his attitude is annoying me for some reason….. idk.