forum ~IMPORTANT~ can we get Austin (@ ahollinger00) to eat something?
Started by @ravens

people_alt 10 followers


Austin needs to eat and he won't because he has so much stubbornness that it's bad for his health, so I've created this thread so he will. hopefully

Here's how it works: To sign this petition, you must put a) a food emoji and b) support/motivation/reasons why he needs to eat.
Once we have 100 signatures, he has to eat something.


You haven't been eating much lately, A. We've talked about this already. Multiple times. You need to eat and I cannot express to you how important it is that you eat something. I don't care if it's as small as a strawberry or as big as an entire cake—as long as you eat.

Deleted user

I have no clue who Austin is, but everyone needs to eat.
Take it from someone who has starved themselves, you need to eat 🥧

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Take care of yourself Austin! Not only for yourself, but for the people who care about you! It's scientifically proven that a proper, healthy diet can benefit you in more ways than just the physical. Try switching up the foods you eat a bit or eating at a time/place you usually don't. Trust me, it's worth it!

Deleted user

if a majority of the American people shall wish that this be my course of action, I shall try to meet the demand……… lmaoooo

Deleted user

i’m bored……… so i’m talking like an overly eloquent politician😂

Sarah Stocking

insert cookie emoji Treating yourself to less than 1560 calories a day is literally a method of torture that is used to drive criminals insane. American society (assuming you are American) glorifies skinny people. If you see collarbones and ribs on a dog you call someone because that's abuse. But the same thing seen on a person is just seen as "beautiful". You know what's beautiful? Having the strength to say up yours to a society that feeds off your doubt and your pain. Living your life and saying screw you to a society that thinks somehow the less you weight the more you are worth your weight in gold. Eating disorders are a big deal. You may need professional help, and it won't be easy to get back to normal. But it's worth it. Don't let your life be defined by someone else's ideals. There's too much else to do in life.


Eating is good for you, take this from someone who used to not eat very much. I was trying to lose some weight (even if everyone I knows thinks I’m skinny) and not eating seemed like the easiest way to do it. The media always shows super skinny people, but what they don’t show is the photoshop or the extreme struggle to stay skinny. I’d slowly stopped eating in general and you could see the effects. It brought down my energy levels and my stomach was always growing. The only time I ate was at dinner because I ate with my family during that time, but I never at much there. On average I ate about between 100-550 calories a day and when ever I felt hunger I just drank water. I didn’t accomplish my goal of losing weight from not eating after a long period of time. After a while I realized how bad it was for me not to eat from bad stuff that had happened and I slowly started eating again. Not a lot. But a little. It makes a big difference. I ate carrots at lunch just to eat something and it was helping me keep energy up. I then added in some goldfish and then added in more food. Now I’m still not eating as much, but I’m eating. I don’t eat anywhere near the recommended amount, but I’m working my way there. Eating anything is better than nothing. If you really don’t want to eat, eat a fruit or a vegetable. It doesn’t hold very many calories and it had the vitamins and minerals you need. You can eat a lot of them before gaining any weight. Starting somewhere is better than staying where you are. So please eat. I know first hand that once you stop eating that it’s easy to just continue to not eat. You just have to take one step to eat and it will help. I promise.