forum Ilvermony Houses, anyone?
Started by @purpleowl25_pew_pew

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I don't think it's like the houses apply exactly, I think it's more like Hogwarts give the adjective while Illvamory gives the role e.g. Brave Healer, Kind warrior. Idk, I could be wrong though.

@Becfromthedead group

I don't think it's like the houses apply exactly, I think it's more like Hogwarts give the adjective while Illvamory gives the role e.g. Brave Healer, Kind warrior. Idk, I could be wrong though.

That's what I've heard too, and I think that's my favorite interpretation of it.

@Riorlyne pets

My interpretation of it is that Hogwarts houses talk about motivation and values, whereas Ilvermorny houses are more about the way those values are followed (I think roles is a good descriptor too), with the following rough correlation –>
Pukwudgie = Heart=Being, Wampus = Body=Doing, Thunderbird = Soul=Feeling, Horned Serpent = Mind=Thinking

So, in our main cast of Gryffindors, who all value and are motivated by bravery, etc., we've got
Hermione, who thinks
Harry, who feels
The twins, who just go out and do, etc.

Myself, I'm a Thunderbird. :)

@Rvan group

I’m a Pukwudgie, although I’m also a Slytherin ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿=(•̪●)=/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿