forum ignore or u shall be beheaded
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 4 followers


high pitched ringing
Try me!

angry whirring
heretic detected… using holy fire to purge
bright white fire shoots from his palms

The fire does not even stir the midnight bot.

angered whirring
heresy bot decks the midnight beheader bot

Midnight bot slams heresy bot into a wall.
more angry ringing

a blade extends from heresy bot's arm and attempts to impale the other bot
heavily distorted whirring

Claws extend from midnight bot's arm and she dodges heresy bot's blade. She takes a swing at heresy bot.

heresy bot blocks the claw with his blade and kicked the midnight bot into the wall

angry beep
Because of heresy bot.

angry whirring

Midnight bot barrels into heresy bot and knocks him into the wall.