forum If you want to listen to musicals but don't know where to start/recommendations for new musicals you can listen to
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 33 followers

@Moxie group

So yeah if you want to listen to musicals, but don't know where to start, you can just tell me your taste in music and I can recommend what musical(s) I think you might like based on that? And other musical-y people can help me out with recommendations too.

Also if you're already into musicals and want more recommendations, I gotchu

Deleted user

I recommend Something Rotten!

That's one of my favorits, along with The Prom

@Moxie group

The awkward moment when I have heard of all these musicals but literally haven't listened to any of them except The Prom and this is why I asked for help from other musical people

@Moxie group

Okay, have you listened to Amelie? It's really good, pretty happy, pretty upbeat
Tuck Everlasting is also really good and also pretty happy for the most part
Next to Normal is . . . pretty fucked up. It's really good and its a rock musical but yeah its fucked up

Give me like an hour and I'll recommend some more