forum if you're feeling down...
Started by @ravens

people_alt 4 followers


just know that you are all my friends. I love all of you and I am here for you.
if you need anything just message me and I will listen.
reading what you guys have posted about abusive parents or depression or suicidal thoughts makes me want to cry.
again, I am here for you. all of you.

@Becfromthedead group

And might I add? If you can get help for any of those things, please do. It breaks my heart to see you guys feeling down or in bad situations. Yeah, you’ve got the whole notebook community at your back, but if you think you need help and can get it outside of talking to strangers (although very caring and nice strangers) on the internet, it’s a good way to go.


im going to write in this discussion because
a) i totally agree with both of you, and im always here to help
b) i might need that help myself…

Deleted user

lots of things
no one acepts me as genderfluid, im constantly deserted by my peers


Do what makes you, you. If others cant accept you for who you are, do it, to piss them off more. And i know its not fun, but its you, and you have to be you

@Becfromthedead group

I agree. @DuskToDawnz never stop being you. You aren't hurting anyone by being genderfluid, so people should just suck it up tbh.
Also, @InfinityCry* you said you might need help. What's up?

@Becfromthedead group

I gotcha.
Meanwhile, I've been super depressed lately, and I tried going to a therapist but I got some bad vibes from her, so I'm going to cancel my next appointment and I feel terrible about it. But I might see if I can talk to some of the counselors on my college's campus to see if they can do anything to help, but I have to work up the courage first.


Hey don't let depression get the better of you! I've found out (from personal experience) that just being a complete and utter weirdo and doing the stuff you love (even if its little) can put a smile on your face pretty fast, and if it doesn't contact some friends! Plan something fun. And if you're still down yes a counselor can help a lot! But sometimes they cant so it's up to you to find your own happiness. All I can truly say is depression doesn't last for ever, you've got years of life ahead of you. Years of stupid fun, mistakes, happiness, sadness, even depression, but that doesn't change the fact that things can turn out okay. So even if the light at the end of the tunnel is dim it'll get brighter, trust me.


I agree 100% Whatever happens, dont give up, because it will get better! Listen to music and watch comedy and comedians! We are always here for you no matter what!