forum If I ever go
Started by @basil_

people_alt 3 followers


If I ever go
Don’t take pity on me
I don’t want sympathy for feeling like this becuase it’s my fault
I don’t get help
I keep it all inside becuase I don’t want to hurt the people around me
So don’t try and stop me
Cause it’s my fault
And I don’t want to hurt you


This doesn’t mean I will go
But I can see myself doing it
It’s become a problem and I don’t want to burden you with it
So please don’t help me because if it’s something I struggle with in my own mind I can overcome it


I’m sorry
I come here and I say don’t help me becuase I think it would be easy to ignore
I’m easy to ignore
And..I don’t know what to do
Because it’s really hard
And I can always feel the anxiety and the stress and I don’t like it
I don’t like it and I’m sorry
I’m really sorry for being here

Deleted user

I feel the same way, person. (Idk anyone’s names) just know you aren’t alone. Talk to me whenever you want to rant.