forum If anyone needs prayer requests or needs to vent.
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 4 followers


I want to help you all. I feel sad when you are sad. Please let me be there for you and you can tell me everything you need to vent about. I pray about you guys everyday and would like to take some prayer requests in hopes that the lord will lift the weight off your shoulders. Even if you are not religious I would be happy to pray for you. I'll pray for everyone!

@Rvan group

I’m not having a particularly bad day today (in fact, today was probably the best in a while) but I was just hoping you could keep me in your prayers just to help me deal with stress and depression


Can I get prayer? I have an extremely toxic mom. I can't tell her anything without her

-crying and making it my fault
-dismissing it as stupid
-calling me names
-making me feel guilty
-telling one of her stupid mom friends.

also shes the reason for my depression so…
