forum Idk
Started by @Ranbob

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why is she a god?

Also 170 is suuuper light for someone who is 6'8. I'm heavier than that and I'm 5'5.


Well, body type, bone mass, age, sex, and sometimes even sleep can also affect a person's weight, so maybe it's not that bad. I'm obviously not a doctor though…


If you're 6'8" and only 170 lbs, you're probably super skinny, unhealthy-looking, and malnourished. A god would want to look the best, right? A skinny pole is definitely not that unless it's essential to her character design. If it is, then why?

I hate to say this but she looks like every stereotypical vampire (long super black hair, snow-pale skin, red eyes). I don't know if you intended this or not, but whatever the case it makes her character look rather bland and kinda creepy.

You say she doesn't have a religion, but isn't she, ya know, a god?? Also, gods have principles and values, so maybe use those to fill in the political spot instead of just "none"?

Why is she considered motherly by children? Why is that such a big part of her personality?

Also, where and what is her backstory?

Always ask "why" and "how" when making a character. Chances are, those will be the only two questions you'll ever need to ask to get your character in a more detailed form. If you ever find yourself looking back and saying "What?", then something is wrong and needs your immediate attention.

Anyways, that's my bit at the moment. Good luck and keep on writing. :)


Ack, thanks for telling me about the weight. I’m not used to putting weight from characters and I’m terrible at at descriptions for characters and can only show them perfectly in my mind which sadly I can’t project my thoughts into the internet as a picture ;-;


She is a god but she doesn’t make herself known and prefers to watch the different story’s that go on Without the need to be known.

It’s difficult for me to describe the motherly part outside of my mind oof.

She also has a sister that I’ll be making a thing for later that would sort of add on the meaning of the character design?

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Alright your character looks more muscular from the pictures you put up. Muscle weighs more than fat (noticed the change in weight, still too light) soo I'd suggest at least 295 or more. I have a male character who is muscluar, 6'4 and he's 315.


I searched up the average weight for an athletic female that’s 6’9 and it said 180 somethin to 225 but i’ll Make her a little heavier oof,