forum Ideas for characters
Started by Victoriaserreydarkrandomness

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Songs often, tend to help me narrow what description my character will have, like a song or a movie or a book helps me make stories for my daydreams but i thought i could share some ideas for you guys:)


For me I tend to make a character in a way when i listen to any music i visualize his/her appearance and features with their attitudes and hobbies. Example Camila Cabello 'Never be the same' I visualize a girl who's a bit traumatized by her past, drinking problems and has an obsession with being with someone. Who has dark brown eyes, about fair in complexion ,does drugs and is skinny. Her past comes from being lonely with all her years being afraid to come out of being shy.


Honestly, sometimes I just personify pets, stuffed animals, other toy, or other objects. Imagining what they'd look like as humanoids is always fun. This is part of the reason why I still have the mind of a five year old.


Those are such great ideas, my characters tend to stem from the types of relationships or backgrounds that just organically appear in the story, I use songs for story ideas, such as Oh If You Could See Me Now by The Script