forum I wanna do something fun, but I dunno what to ddddooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Started by @Huxly

people_alt 2 followers

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Read your favourite book, cook/bake something that you like cooking/baking or that you've never cooked/baked before, talk to a friend you haven't talked to in a while, build a pillow/blanket fort, go for a walk/jog/run, write something ridiculous just for fun, paint your toenails a really ugly colour, re-watch a favourite film, scream into a pillow, wear someone else's clothing, do a weird dance to very upbeat music, do a dare, play a video game, play a board game, play solitaire, take a bath with too many bath bombs, do something strange with your hair, run around outside (possibly while yelling/shouting/screaming/singing at the top of your lungs), take the time to appreciate someone you don't appreciate very often, hug someone, hold someone's hand, stand on a chair, stand on a table, crawl under a table, do a whole bunch of crazy shit involving chairs and tables, make a nice surprise for someone, prank someone, watch something really sad and cry about it but love every second of the emotional agony, watch something with really stupid slapstick comedy and laugh at it anyway, laugh at stupid fashion trends, rant about something that irritates you, throw a pillow at the wall, imitate someone/something, do trust falls, roll around on the floor, have a tantrum because you can, run up a flight of stairs, do something you've been meaning to but haven't, tell someone you love that you love them, make someone a card, eat something unhealthy even though you shouldn't, do something childish, be petulant, wear mismatched socks, put on a bathing suit for no reason, climb a tree, climb a fence, go to a playground and play on it even if small children stare at you strangely—the list goes on. Have fun!

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Haha. Sorry XD I didn't mean you have to do all of them.