forum I think we all need a Hug so here you go *Hug*
Started by @Relsey

people_alt 34 followers


There's been a lot of not goodness recently and I think we all could use a hug so here you all go Nice warm comforting hug


You're outstanding. You probably hate me, and you probably think I'm a wreck, but I just want to say that I have nothing but respect and admiration for you, and everything about you is just plain amazing. I believe you to be very amazing. And in no way are you pathetic.

Deleted user

I do not hate you, I didn't mean for it to sound that way. I was saying that you are not despised. You are probably the most calm and collected person I know. You've been through some shit, and everyone is a wreck sometimes. You are the amazing one Shuri, not me


Don't you put yourself down, YB. I really think you are amazing. You're seriously an awesome person and whatever you do, I'll always support you unwaveringly, and unflinchingly. You mean so much to me.

Deleted user

Don't you put yourself down, YB. I really think you are amazing. You're seriously an awesome person and whatever you do, I'll always support you unwaveringly, and unflinchingly. You mean so much to me.

Same here, you've actually helped me so much. You're a pretty cool person. You mean a lot to me too, and I don't think I could ever hate you


Don't you put yourself down, YB. I really think you are amazing. You're seriously an awesome person and whatever you do, I'll always support you unwaveringly, and unflinchingly. You mean so much to me.

Same here, you've actually helped me so much. You're a pretty cool person. You mean a lot to me too, and I don't think I could ever hate you

Likewise you've been a truly amazing friend to me and I appreciate that. I'll always check my PMs if anyone needs help. So you can always come to me.