Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Your sleep cycle is probably messed up. The only way to correct it is to go to bed and wake up at the same time for a while until it's reset. If you want to start going to bed at 10:00, you can't do other things if you don't feel tired at 10:00. You just have to lie in bed bored until you fall asleep, and then get up early. Then you'll be tired the next night so you'll be able to go to bed when you want to. Rinse and repeat. No naps, or you won't be tired at night. It probably means you'll be really exhausted during the day for a while though, which sucks.

Another thing could be if you're on your phone/computer before/when you're trying to get to sleep. The blue light from the screens stimulates your brain and keeps you awake. So that's a thing to avoid, too.

Or there's insomnia.

You could try sleeping pills, like melatonin?


Your sleep cycle is probably messed up. The only way to correct it is to go to bed and wake up at the same time for a while until it's reset. If you want to start going to bed at 10:00, you can't do other things if you don't feel tired at 10:00. You just have to lie in bed bored until you fall asleep, and then get up early. Then you'll be tired the next night so you'll be able to go to bed when you want to. Rinse and repeat. No naps, or you won't be tired at night. It probably means you'll be really exhausted during the day for a while though, which sucks.

Another thing could be if you're on your phone/computer before/when you're trying to get to sleep. The blue light from the screens stimulates your brain and keeps you awake. So that's a thing to avoid, too.

Or there's insomnia.

You could try sleeping pills, like melatonin?

You took the words out of my mouth!
Yes Ravens is right as rain here!


Your sleep cycle is probably messed up. The only way to correct it is to go to bed and wake up at the same time for a while until it's reset. If you want to start going to bed at 10:00, you can't do other things if you don't feel tired at 10:00. You just have to lie in bed bored until you fall asleep, and then get up early. Then you'll be tired the next night so you'll be able to go to bed when you want to. Rinse and repeat. No naps, or you won't be tired at night. It probably means you'll be really exhausted during the day for a while though, which sucks.

Another thing could be if you're on your phone/computer before/when you're trying to get to sleep. The blue light from the screens stimulates your brain and keeps you awake. So that's a thing to avoid, too.

Or there's insomnia.

You could try sleeping pills, like melatonin?

You took the words out of my mouth!
Yes Ravens is right as rain here!

aka everything I don't do (even though I probably should)
also um that wasn't me, that was Alice