forum I Say E X, You Say O!
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Deleted user

All EXO-L's are welcome. Even though this is a normal chat, I do have rules everyone must follow.

1: Anti's are not welcome. Fans who appreciate EXO's talent, but are not fans are also welcome, but only if they're respectful.
2: Even amongst EXO-L's, there should be respect. No curse words, no insults.
3: Even if there is an anti who is being disrespectful, your job is to keep silent and not pour oil on the fire. Simply ignore them. The more attention you give them, the more they'll get on your nerves.

In short, be respectful and kind, and have fun!
We are one!


I'm not a really hardcore fan of EXO; I just listen to their music and performances but I don't really dive any deeper than that lol
Ya'll are committed though. I applaud that.

Deleted user

Whats EXO-L'S

EXO-L's are fans of a Korean boy group called EXO. They're pretty amazing! You should check them out.

Deleted user

I'm not a really hardcore fan of EXO; I just listen to their music and performances but I don't really dive any deeper than that lol
Ya'll are committed though. I applaud that.

Really, that's all what anyone should do. Enjoy their music and performances. Appreciate their efforts, be there for them. I love EXO, but I'm not the type to be bitter about every mistake they make.

Anyway, I'm very excited for their comeback!

Deleted user

YAY! Kpop! I like listening to Exo but I don't know their names yet. ๐Ÿค— But I really like their songs!
(* Cough * * cough * and looks XD)

Deleted user

YAY! Kpop! I like listening to Exo but I don't know their names yet. ๐Ÿค— But I really like their songs!
(* Cough * * cough * and looks XD)

(I'm guilty for that, too, so you're not alone!)
Well, it took me a while to remember, too, but you'll get there!


YAY! Kpop! I like listening to Exo but I don't know their names yet. ๐Ÿค— But I really like their songs!
(* Cough * * cough * and looks XD)

(I'm guilty for that, too, so you're not alone!)
Well, it took me a while to remember, too, but you'll get there!

Honestly last year I got bored during the summer so I learned them in a day. The trick is to watch a group in a couple of variety shows like After School Club and youโ€™ll learn them super fast and not to be forgotten. It works like a charm. Thereโ€™s also other little tricks. Literally whenever I get bored I like to learn a new group. Iโ€™m starting to run out of groups that I listen to on a daily basis.

Deleted user

Names were easy for me to remember, but the faces were hard! It was difficult trying to differentiate who was who. I often thought Suho was Sehun and that Kai was Baekhyun. I also thought Xiumin was Chen.
At first, I really didn't bother remembering their faces or their names because I wasn't interested in kPop. All I knew was that my best friend was a huge fan and I needed to watch videos she sent me in order to please her. I wish to go back in time and stab my illiterate self. When I started to get interested, I began to watch their shows like EXO Next Door and Showtime. I knew who was who by the end of EXO Next Door.


I understand what you mean about Suho and Sehun. I often get their names mixed up. Same with Chen and Lay. The rest came pretty easy to me for some reason. Some groups all generally have similar features while other groups have completely different. Thereโ€™s always that one member in every group that just looks different and is the first member everyone learns lol.

Deleted user

The different one for me was Kyungsoo! I was able to tell him apart from others very easily.

Deleted user

Kai is my best friend's favorite so it was kind of a surprise that I didn't recognize him first before Kyungsoo. My best friend was upset xD

Deleted user

Who is your bias? Mine is Baekhyun I think wreacker is Xiumin 99% sure itโ€™s the other way around

I totally understand the struggle My bias is Kyungsoo and my wrecker is Xiumin. Kyungsoo was the reason I grew interested in EXO! My best friend tried her hardest to get me interested and then she threw Kyungsoo at me. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Deleted user

Honestly, though, I don't know how these guys are even real. :O

Deleted user

November 2nd feels so far away, to be honest. I can't wait for their comeback!