i'm bisexual, and christian. my parents are conservative christians who believe that christians can't be lgbtqa+. they talk every week about how weird these "gay trends" are. and i'm dying inside, hoping that they won't bring up the topic of lgbtqa+ christians, while also hoping that they do.
but i love them to death. is that weird? aren't lgbt kids supposed to hate their christian parents?
i need help
That's got to be hard. (Cue me trying to help but probably just making it worse)
My grandparents are Christian also, and so am I. And whenever they see something LGBTQA+ related on the news they always scoff or say it's not right. But yet, I support it. So I kind of know how you feel…but not exactly. They don't know I support it though, so whenever they do something like that it's kind of like they're offending me in a way I dunno…
On the topic of lgbt kids hating their Christian parents, that's not always true. You get that idea because whenever it's shown online or on the news that's the case. But I've seen a lot of people who are lgbt and love them more than anything.
Yeah….that was terrible…I'll go now.
yeah my parents are homophobic too. I'm not bisexual but i'm still pretty uncomfortable with the way my parents talk about lgbt…. its hard, but you've kinda just got to accept their flaws and move along.
Well, I'm not LGBTQA+, but a lot of my friends are and my parents just hate that, although I certainly don't mind people who are part of that category. In fact, some of the kindest people I've met are lgbt+. I'm not good with emotional circumstances, but here's my advice. Talk to your parents about it and tell them about how you feel. If your parents aren't listening, you need to let them know that it is hurting your feelings.
I'm sorry, I know that's got to be difficult. I'm in an opposite situation though, which is sort of weird. I like girls and I'm non binary (which my parents don't really mind) but they don't like the fact that I'm Christian and they're atheist.
My parents are Christian, but they believe as long as you're not hurting the person you love or yourself you're a-o-kay with them. People are different, it varies.
thank you all so much for the encouraging words! it's so nice to know that there are other lgbtqa+ christians on this website! you all helped me so much
Yeah, it's good to know that I can help in any way possible.
I hope this can all be resolved for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.