forum I need to calm down
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

Okay so i’m in my geometry class and the news just got out of Cosby’s trial (he got sentenced to 3-10 years if you didn’t know) and the extremely annoying basic white boys are talking about it and it’s making me so mad my hands are shaking.

They’re saying (hopefully jokingly) that women don’t deserve to have a say and that Cosby shouldn’t be in jail, because they (women) are property rIGHT NEXT TO ME. I. AM. A. GROWING. AND. PROUD. WOMAN.

Deleted user

eh. ignore them. most middle school boys dont know anything anyways

Deleted user

im ready to just stab my pencil through one of their necks and i know precisely where to stab i’m ready

Deleted user

Even better

I’m a psychopath and this class is almost over

jus ignore my feminine anger plz

Deleted user

As a feminist, LGBTQIA+ rights activist, and general human rights supporter….. you show em'.

Deleted user

Women are not property, we're people, and far more intelligent people than…. noisy males…. if they're saying BS like that.

Deleted user

Thanks guys.

Also I realized this on the way home…

Cosby was sentenced 3-10 years in prison…

But it took 13 years and numerous women to make that happen.


Deleted user

I share your rage, but for other reasons….
dramatic flashback to earlier today… long story.

Deleted user

Sorry, numerous violated and assaulted women.


I hate America

Deleted user

Oh, there was just this kid saying that I was supposed to like boys, and I "Can't be bisexual because boys like girls and girls like boys." and that "God made you to like boys."
It's a long story…..

Deleted user

Oh yeah I saw that on British Friend.

Dude you go. That sounds terrible.