forum I need the easiest way to run away from home
Started by @zillakami-said-acab

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Life is way hard at home and my mom is stressing me out way too much with her strategies that don't help. My dad is trying to find a new job at his house, and my self esteem has died. All of this sucks and I am contemplating suicide. HELP ME PLEASE.


Please don't run away, that will only make your life more stressful. People will be looking for you and your parents will have to deal with the law and all that. I can't really give you a whole lot of advice since I don't know your situation, but please take care of yourself, and if you need to pm me please do.


( and you have a lot of friends that want you to stay. i also have the thought of running everyday but the i think about the people who would miss me the trouble that i would get into with out them. then i think about the things that i would miss and then i would make myself stay for a little longer.)