forum I need some advice abt my bi friend :/
Started by aubbs c

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aubbs c

So my friend is bisexual (let's call her Lexi) and she is dating this girl named Jessica. Keep in mind, we are 13. So Lexi isn't out of the closet yet, so her parents don't know about their relationship. Lexi is a good kid, but Jessica has literally sold weed before. They just started dating and had plans to have a sleepover this weekend at Jessica's house. Lexi's parents said it was fine, but that's because they don't know she's gay. I texted her last night saying I don't think she should sleepover because it's the same as me sleeping over any my boyfriend's house and we just aren't old enough for that yet. She said "I don't care." I am really worried that she'll get into trouble if her parents find out or if her and Jessica do something they'll regret. Advice?

@faltering-through pets

Well there's really not much you could do except well give her some advice, we can't control a person so that they won't do a certain thing lol but if she doesn't want to listen I would say that's on her…you could go the opposite route and tell her mom yourself buuuut I doubt she would like that very much

aubbs c

Well there's really not much you could do except well give her some advice, we can't control a person so that they won't do a certain thing lol but if she doesn't want to listen I would say that's on her…you could go the opposite route and tell her mom yourself buuuut I doubt she would like that very much

thanks… still really stressed but I know youre right


How do you know that Jessica has sold weed before? LIke if it's a rumor it's probably not true. I also think that as long as the two of them aren't being couple-y in front of parents that will inform others about them then they'll be fine. I really don't think they'll be able to do anything though because 13 isn't really old enough to do anything sexual

aubbs c

How do you know that Jessica has sold weed before? LIke if it's a rumor it's probably not true. I also think that as long as the two of them aren't being couple-y in front of parents that will inform others about them then they'll be fine. I really don't think they'll be able to do anything though because 13 isn't really old enough to do anything sexual

The girl told me herself… She is also one of my close friends. Her family is financially unstable so she did it for money. Jessica is good kid just really sketchy. The thing that worries me, though, is that this Jessica girl has come very close to sucking a dudes thing… like very close to sex. Again, she told me this herself. Of course, she could be lying for attention, but IDK why she would like about that. I get where you are coming from, but I'm also a little concerned. I trust they won't do anything, but I also know that we do dumb stuff for the people we love, especially when we are young and in love.


I mean… not to be rude or anything, but I sincerely doubt that it's love. Like, romantic attraction? Sure, of course. I just don't think it's full-blown love. Also, whether Jessica's lying for attention or not, Lexi will probably know not to take things too far. Besides, I don't think they'll be able to do anything with parents/adults in the next room over

aubbs c

I mean… not to be rude or anything, but I sincerely doubt that it's love. Like, romantic attraction? Sure, of course. I just don't think it's full-blown love. Also, whether Jessica's lying for attention or not, Lexi will probably know not to take things too far. Besides, I don't think they'll be able to do anything with parents/adults in the next room over

No, I don't think it is either, but we are kids so we are super emotional and dramatic. Also, Jessicas mom is very… distant. She doesn't parent and is often not home, so I doubt she'll be there. Her dad lives in another state.


Alright well if it's really concerning you that much, just sit Lexi down and tell her what you're afraid will happen (whether it's sex, drugs, etc) and try and get her to promise that she won't do anything