forum I need new ideas for my fanfictions!
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Deleted user

You know what I really want? A Marvel and Hobbit/LOTR crossover.

Deleted user

I want a Maze Runner and Percy Jackson crossover.

Deleted user

Actually, I think they have that. Check Wattpad.

Deleted user

Seriously though, through all my searches, I have never, NOT ONCE seen a marvel and LOTR crossover.

Deleted user

I'm only actually dedicated to the Hobbit/LOTR fandom, and I read just a few chapters of Maze Runner and decided it wasn't worth my time. I've seen a few Marvel movies, yeah, and I've read the Percy Jackson series, but I don't write fanfiction about those. Ever. I mostly do Doctor Who fanfic, sometimes Sherlock, and I've been meaning to watch Supernatural so I can accomplish SuperWhoLock. I also do Harry Potter and Discworld fanfic, I've been Aching all over to work on a new Discworld thing. Aching, get it? Because Tiffany Aching? Okay, bad pun. Well, "pune, or play on words," as Pratchett would call it. But whatever. I need ideas.

Deleted user

Do a Harry Potter and Hobbit/LOTR crossover, that would be interesting.

Deleted user

Yeah, but the magic works differently in both universes so I don't think I can pull that off with leaving a lot of important information out of at least one, but maybe both, universes.

Deleted user

Well, they are separate universes so like maybe both universes have to unite to fight off evil or something.

Deleted user

How would they unite? How would one know the other existed? Also, what kind of evil? Seriously, I don't think it would be a good idea in the long run.

Deleted user

I don't know, It's your book, maybe one of the wizard knows… maybe Gandalf and Dumbledore know, but seriously you're book, but it would be AMAZING if someone did that.

Deleted user

They could. Your imagination. You don't have to be precise, you could make them have portals. But it's your choice, love.

Deleted user

Portkeys….. which only exist in the HP universe.

Deleted user

Yeah, I really don't want to do a crossover. But any other ideas?

Deleted user

Well, the only fandoms I'm in are the Hobbit/LOTR, Percy Jackson, Marvel, Harry Potter, Divergent, need I say any more? So I'm afraid I won't be much help if you're going to be Sherlock, Doctor who and Supernatural.

Deleted user

A marvel and harry potter crossover would be really cool too. And you like do time travel for doctor who (Is that the correct fandom?)