forum I need help please
Started by @LeafyLemur

people_alt 3 followers


So, I’m a Christian and I have a question. I’m not exactly against LGBTQ+ but my Mom is very against it. I sometimes write stories and I do include LGBTQ+ characters and relationships because that’s how our world is. I want to know if that’s wrong. I don’t think it is because that’s life, but I’d like to get some help from others. Thanks!


If you're asking if it's wrong that you're a Christian and writing LGBTQA+ characters, it's really fine. I'm Catholic (it's a branch of Christianity), and most of my characters are LGBTQA+.

Deleted user

Religiously, LGBTQ+ people were seen as witches and would be burned at the stake. :) However, times have changed my friend, times have changed. I, too, am a Christian and I would more than encouraging you to include these types of characters in your stories. Christ himself encourages loving all. You don't have to be like your mom, love is love and Christ knows it.


Ok, thank you! Also, I just realized I may have made my Mom sound like a jerk, but she isn’t. She just doesn’t approve of me writing LGBTQ+ characters. Thank you both! •v•

Deleted user

It's fine, she may just be really passionate about her belief, but you have yours kid. You're welcome!

@Becfromthedead group

Well, I would like to start off by saying that I’m not Christian, but I was raised to be, so you can take what I say with a grain of salt.
First of all, it is not wrong to portray things that happen in real life. It’s just kind of the way of the writer to tell anyone and everyone’s story. Second, the Bible has a lot of truth in it, but keep in mind that it has been translated a lot over the years by many different cultures, and from what I understand, it has lead to things being lost in translation. It didn’t necessarily condemn homosexuality, but rather other behaviors in same-sex (and opposite-sex) relationships that weren’t good, such as violence and exploitation.
Then, you have to keep in mind that homosexuality isn’t mentioned much in the Bible because as you know, it’s really old (and I’m not sure there was a word for it back then). Men basically owned women, and marriage wasn’t always a result of love. We don’t condone arranged marriage today, as times have changed.
And finally: sin in general. Just a weird thing I’ve noticed with some older, more traditional Christians that I know (not all of them, I just feel like I hear this stuff a lot). So, you’ve got the 10 commandments, right? And they’re super important. Then why do some people say that the gays are going to hell (when it’s mentioned like 6 times in the Bible and may not even be translated correctly) but don’t condemn adultery or disrespect to parents with the same fury? The hatred against LGBT people is a society thing more than it is a religion thing. (Just as sexism, racism, and other prejudices are)
One more thing I have to add: nowhere in the Bible does it say that Christians are to police the behaviors of others, so idk, the amount of concern that some people show is a bit much, especially since in modern Christianity, people are expected to love one another above all else, and that means being respectful and inclusive to all people.
So yeah, thanks for staying for my TED Talk. I hope this helps and wasn’t offensive or anything, and if it is, I’ll take it down.