forum I need help deciding a name for my new hamster!
Started by @Mark_Is_Male group

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@Mark_Is_Male group

I'm getting a hamster for my birthday!

I have a few names already written down, and was wondering if you could help vote??

He is super cute, his fur is a dark brown color, and he only has one eye.

Here's the list!






@Mark_Is_Male group

Personally I like Stark. I’m sensing a Marvel/Lord of the Rings/Hobbit fan?

Yes :) I love both, although I have just started reading LOTR, I am IN LOVE with The Hobbit!!

@Mark_Is_Male group

Uno (after the card game, and it means one in spanish :)
Shmeo (If you happen to hae trouble remembering the great lakes :)

(also, look it up :)

Those are super cute!! Thanks :)

@Mark_Is_Male group

If he only has one eye, what about Thor, Odin or Mad-Eye Moody? :P

Of those currently on your list, I like Frodo the best.

xD I love the thought of naming him Odin, since I'm getting a pair of snakes next year and was planning on naming one Loki! So you gave me some ideas for that!!

I should probably finish the Harry Potter series first before I think of naming him Mad-Eye Moody….my parents didn't introduce me to the series until I was in like, sixth grade, and after all these years, I don't have enough time to sit down and finish the third book xD

Deleted user

Frodo brodo

Just call me Yolo Mcswaggins.

You catchin my drift brodo