forum I NEED CUDDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Started by @chaos_generator_13 language

people_alt 61 followers


"stupid non-aussies!!1!"

Rude. Real rude. I'm sorry I'm not a cool as you- being from America….

shh i'm kidding
thus why i put it in quotes

@Elder-God-Whisper work

If I tell my parents it's just a hang out with a friend we could probably hang out for the day! My parents want me to be social…and make friends… but I'd love having you as a IRL friend!

ok, I'm gonna find you when I can drive places without my parents on my back.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

If I tell my parents it's just a hang out with a friend we could probably hang out for the day! My parents want me to be social…and make friends… but I'd love having you as a IRL friend!

ok, I'm gonna find you when I can drive places without my parents on my back.



If I tell my parents it's just a hang out with a friend we could probably hang out for the day! My parents want me to be social…and make friends… but I'd love having you as a IRL friend!

she's a great fren, the best girlfren and the nicest person
And honestly y'all should hang out

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

If I tell my parents it's just a hang out with a friend we could probably hang out for the day! My parents want me to be social…and make friends… but I'd love having you as a IRL friend!

she's a great fren, the best girlfren and the nicest person
And honestly y'all should hang out

And you'd know best!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

If I tell my parents it's just a hang out with a friend we could probably hang out for the day! My parents want me to be social…and make friends… but I'd love having you as a IRL friend!

she's a great fren, the best girlfren and the nicest person
And honestly y'all should hang out

And you'd know best!

I try to be a good friend, I am most certainly not the BEST GF, and dude, i'm not that nice.