forum I need advice/help please..
Started by @basil_

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So should be doing homework, but I'm doing this instead..
I need some advice from those dealing with social anxiety, or anxiety in general. I've noticed lately that almost everything makes me nervous and really anxious. I can't call anyone, friends, takeout places, stuff like that anymore because i'm so nervous that i'll mess up or act stupid or something. I don't raise my hand to answer anything in class because my heart will start racing and my face gets really hot. And..other stuff posting this is making me really nervous cause I haven't been in general chat in a long time. hey guys :)
Anyways, my parents have kind of noticed…? My mom got mad at me for it the other day but I don't want to tell her because I don't want medication or therapy (cause, you guessed it! therapy would just stress me out and scare me! cause everything scares me! :)
I was just wondering if you guys had any tips for dealing with this kind of stuff, being anxious, annoying habits that I can't help doing when i'm nervous, stuff like that? (without getting meds or therapy)


Well, I would always recommend keeping a pair of earphones, or some sort of stress reliever with you so that you can fidget if you're nervous. Also I recommend taking a step back to just breathe, and think about things. If you need to say something that you can't quite get out of your mouth, simply carry a notepad and pencil or pen around, and just write it down.


Yeah I can relate.
Thinking about it now..I probably should've realized I had anxiety and tried dealing with it before it got this bad. rip


Thanks ravens ily <3 hugshugshugs

Okay, yeah I'll think about it. I'm just a mess shrugs

love you too <3


Thanks ravens ily <3 hugshugshugs

Okay, yeah I'll think about it. I'm just a mess shrugs

love you too <3



Thanks ravens ily <3 hugshugshugs

Okay, yeah I'll think about it. I'm just a mess shrugs

love you too <3




I've had a similar issue recently, it wasn't as serious but still quite problematic… At the moment, I seem to be doing better, I'm slowly regaining my ability to speak without worrying that the entire population of this earth will suddenly despise me for no good reason, which is a major improvement.
The ways I've dealt with it might not work for you, but I'll list them anyway.

  • Spending more time with my close friends (I know that no matter how badly I mess up, they'll stay with me, so I don't feel as worried around them)
  • Praying more often
  • Taking time to just sit around and think about stuff (Not sure why this works)
  • Drawing
  • Listening to music
  • Basically doing everything I can to distract me from my worries

I hope things get better soon… hugs


Thanks Ella.
I wish I had more time to spend with friends and draw and stuff but I have a really busy schedule most of the time. Thanks for the tips anyway, i'll try and get some time to myself. :)


I relate to all of that so much. My advice is to try to find things that could potentially relax you. like a hobby, writing down your thoughts, and if you can, focus on one thing at a time. I know that can be really really hard tho Distracting yourself can work for a short time but don't ignore your problems because that can be kinda bad. Take deep breaths when you do things that will make you anxious. Focus on the one thing you're doing.
I'm not great at advice but yeah