forum I need advice...
Started by @Sugar-Lover

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I'm not sure if anyone has any advice but anything helps. So my problem is there is this guy and I don't know if I like him as a friend or more than a friend and I don't know what to do. If I need to elaborate more I can.


Well there’s this guy and he sits two seats in front of me during theology, the kid the sat directly in front of me moved next to me, so there is no one between us. One day he turned around and just stared at me, asking why I’m so quite all the time, which I am. Later that day I had a study period and he sits right in front of me. He turned around and put his arms on my desk and this time he asked why I just stayed in study doing homework. I told him I didn’t want to do it at home. He then continued to ask why I was so quite and my awkward self asked him what his favorite color was. We then had an awkward conversation about the color blue. Now also on the same day he happens to stand behind me in line for lunch. I once again say something awkward and we have a conversation. This has been going on for a couple of days and I generally enjoy those awkward conversations.

@Becfromthedead group

Well obviously the two of you want to interact, so my suggestion would be definitely try to be friends first, find common interests, and see where it goes. And honestly, sometimes you don’t know whether you like someone until you spend more time together. So you don’t need to know whether you like him just yet. Give it some time, and you’ll probably figure it out. Don’t force it, but of course keep putting forth an effort to get to know this guy, because even if nothing happens, you might come out of the situation with a new friend.
And if at any point you do decide you like him enough to date him, suggest going out, I guess. Worst case scenario, he says no.
I’m not the best at giving this kind of advice, but that all makes logical sense to me. Best of luck to you!


The only thing we had homecoming last night and he went with this girl… She doesn't go to our school so I don't really know who she is. All night I found myself watching them (I didn't mean to be creepy) and they were really close… He did introduce me to the girl and she seemed nice…

@Becfromthedead group

Ah, I gotcha. There's always the possibility that they're just friends, but in the case that they're not, it's just one of those situations where you have to kind of shrug it off because obviously you can't go in and split them up. And in that case, there's still nothing wrong with being friends. Plus, in high school, a lot of relationships come and go, so if he ever was available down the line, it's perfectly fair to date him.
You could always ask him questions about her though! Like just the whole, "are you dating?" "Do you like her?" As much as you can without prying/coming off as creepy. As long as you ask like you're curious and interested in his life and what he's doing because you care.