forum I need a little help
Started by @LudibrousLainey

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So I just finished a story (how, I don't know), but now I need a title for it. Any suggestions? It's about ghosts and ghost hunting, as well as magic, witches, and near death experiences. The villains all wear red robes, and the main character is named Scarlett. I have absolutely no ideas, but if you have something (or need more information about the story to help) let me know! I'd post it here, but it's over 200 pages in word, so…

Deleted user

Red Haunting
Scarlet Ghost
Crimson Hunting

This is all i got so far. More info would be great!


Can U answer these question so I (We) have more info we can work with?

And how often does the magic and witches appear in your book?

Does the MC have a weapon? If so what is it?

What is the area like? Forest? Swamp? Abandoned or not abandoned town? ext?

Is there a love interest? And is it hard love or just, 'I'm going to act cool and be nice' type of love?

What do you want to book title theme to be named after? the ghost, hunters, MC, ext?

Besides the MC, what is the second most interactive person/thing in your book?


The magic is more in the second half of the book, though it kinda has a part throughout the book as well. The MC has a dagger from she got from her parents. The area is more of a bustling town, though at one point the MC's house burns down and they move to a cabin in the woods (but that's the latter half of the book). There is a love interest, but it just mainly low-key happens in the background until the end. I have no clue what it could be named after, I'm pretty much good with anything. Probably Kassian, or the ghosts (if they count)
Also the MC can travel to the spirit world, though she can't control it. That mainly happens when it's quiet or peaceful, so she has to stay busy or she'll get sucked in. I hope that helps you guys :)


Ok, and another question.

Why are they hunting or not hunting the ghost? or is it the Hunters their hunting? Why are they doing this?


The hunters are going after the ghosts because the ghosts are being summoned into a world where they don't belong and destroying everything, as well as killing people. The people in Red Robes (I didn't give them a name) are the ones summoning them for profit.

Deleted user

The Scarlet Deaths
Magics Finest
Spirits Awakening
Magics Blood
The Crimson Cloaks
Ghost Hunter
The Exorcist but Better
The Screams of Souls


The Scarlet Deaths
Magics Finest
Spirits Awakening
Magics Blood
The Crimson Cloaks
Ghost Hunter
The Exorcist but Better
The Screams of Souls

I love the second to last one, lol.