forum I need a job title
Started by quiiiiiick questions

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quiiiiiick questions

okay so the long and short of it is that by the decree of my English class, I cannot be a poet. Apparently poetry is defined as "heartfelt, sincere, etc." but my heart doesn't feel anything. Also poetry by their definition doesn't have to rhyme or have rhythm, which I can't abide. And lastly it has to be symbolic of something, so that nullifies my rambling rhymes not once, not twice, but three times.

a quick shot at what I do, pulled from a story I started one time:

As sure as my name is called Wilkins McFoo,
I’ll catch the big fish, and I’ll show all of you!
For I’m Captain McFoo and my boat is the best
And the fish cannot hide from me, not east nor west!’

With that brave speech given, McFoo set his sail,
Determined to catch the fish big as a whale.
McFoo grabbed his net and he put on his hat,
Seeing the sea so he’ll see where it’s at.

Then a crackle! A clap! Big grey clouds rolled asunder!
And McFoo was caught in a storm made of thunder!
But never to fear! For this boat is the best!
McFoo’s mighty machine must be up to the test!

I can't be called a poet, because I don't have feelings or care for metaphors, but as far as I know there's no title for this sort of thing. I was hoping for something three syllables, but I'm desperate so watcha got?