forum I'm trying to make a book, except I don't know how a part should be. Help?
Started by @Infinite

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What is the plot? Characters? What do you need help with?

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Hey hey hey, what's the genre? Is it death? Action? Deeetttaills.


Okay, so it's about this girl named Ivo. She has a pendant that protects her from danger that her mom gave her before her mom died.


What if you add a random character, maybe a love interest that looks really nice and everyone loves him, but in the end he's actually working for the villains and hates the MC?

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Aaaannnnd/ oooooorrrrr it’s kind of like Merlin, where that random guy (or love interest) is super important, and Ivo and Pecan have to protect him. ^~^

Also don’t tell yourself you’re bad at writing because that’s discouraging. You can be amazing if you believe and try hard enough. ^~^


Also, Pecan was sent by The Lord of Griffins to protect Ivo and Isabel, and Pecan's disguise was an eagle because…. because it makes sense, you know? Griffin is an Eagle plus Lion, and I don't think a lion would go very well….