forum I'm trying to do something...
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

So, I have schizophrenia and multiple times the voices had taken over my life. The thing is, I only have a minor case of it. With me, it's hard to do anything, but I thought that others had it so much worse and I wanted to write a little something that could raise a bit of awareness. Here it is, it's not done but I want to hear y'alls honest opinion.

They say don’t worry about a thing
They say they’ll handle it but when I try to do anything…
They say I’m a bother no one needs
I’m stupid
A waste of space
Just worthless
No one needs me anyways
Ooh, anyways

But then a friend came
Ooh a friend came
They said they would help me
They changed my views
With them by my side, the whispers went away
With them by my side
The whispers started to go away
They said, sorry they do much
But not much was enough for me
It’s enough for me.

(It's basically about how a friend helped me through some times where I considered self-harm and how they well… Helped me.)