forum I'm super bored so INSULT BATTLE?
Started by @Leo-Valdez-Is-The-God-Of-Chaos

people_alt 42 followers

Deleted user

God doesn't exist :3

ummm… I call BS

My rage of Christian fury will come for you


God doesn't exist :3

ummm… I call BS

My rage of Christian fury will come for you

Hmm. I would too, but my heathen fury doesn't exist.

@EmptyNebula group

Or maybe they just want to acknowledge what you said but don't feel like responding because either one, it's just lame, two, the topics over with, or three, it's pointless in responding back.


I guess, it just kinda kills the conversation. Like I'll say something, usually important, and they'll just say "ok" Like say something useful you scrub I'm doing my best to overcome my social anxiety and they just put me down with "ok" like okay you little shit you wanna be a lazy bitch and not think for three seconds about some kind of response that works?! I'm gonna leap a hurdle so you can shove me back down? AAAAAHHHHHHHH



I'm DEADaSS having a MENTAL BREAKDOWN bc i've had a migraine for the past five DAys and it's in my NECK and it FUCKIN SUCKS. Can't even look at people who try to talk to me. Or rather, I talk to. If I said nothing in a whole day, not a single soul would make a social attempt. I'm sick of not having good friends. "Well having one or a few really great, loyal friends who love you is better than having 100 who don't really care that much" YEAH OKAY, what if I have FUCKING NONE AT ALL?!? HMM??? I love how I overcame my anger issues and corrected myself over the years and tried so, so very hard, yet FREAKING NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE? "Oh, but there's definitely people there right next to you who might like you, all you have to do is talk to them." Yup, sure. I'll talk to the NOBODY AT ALL that's there. Nobody even gives me a nudge, or a clue at all.

Feelin' cute, might go close my door and mix ammonia and bleach and breath it until it all end, idk. ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3

Btw you depressies out there, maybe try listening to Twenty One Pilots. Rips the stress right outta me and tells it to SHOVE OFF! Love ya. Even though life is unfair, we'll make it.


although you may wanna go see a counselor, just saying

Nobody listens. I'm not gonna talk to someone because only I can fix my problems, but I also can't.