forum I'm starting a dream thread to share this dream I had
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Okay so, quick overview. The setting'll randomly switch during this, as dreams do, and there's a specific group of characters. Me, this guy named Adam(about my age? I'm fairly certain there was insinuation that we were dating), two girls, one of whom was like a best friend of mine, and three kids under the age of ten.

So it starts out with me and Adam meeting at some sort of old airport(?), I'm with my best friend, and/or vacation spot. There are exactly two other people there besides the tourists, the receptionist and this man who introduces himself as Roger, and the two seem to be dating.

Here, we setting change, to this kind of creepy and way-more-empty-than-it-should-be school/academy. I've run into Adam, who's in my class(along with kids I knew irl??), my bestfriend who I'm calling Lizzy, and this girl our age, Maya. We all get along well, and we're pretty sure we actually met at that weird airport thing. Suddenly though, normal tasks start getting insanely dangerous, like taking a bath is a constant really high risk of drowning, but it's just for us, and these three kids taking elementary school classes there. And then Maya dies, gets hit by falling debris after managing to walk onto a construction sight, reportedly screaming for help. We, as in the rest of us having this problem, start seeing things in the mirrors and windows, any reflective surface, like we're being followed by a man.

Somewhere along the line, it comes to light that it's a ghost, with a certain amount of people to kill in order to come back to life, and he's chosen us. We manage to stay alive longer, and it's a week until something occurs. Adam, Lizzy, and I are sitting in class, listening to the teacher talk while a storm rages outside. And suddenly, Lizzy looks at me, terrified, and whispers "He's here, I'm next." I think she has a heart attack? Adam comforts me, and eventually he says that we need to run, see if we can lose the guy.

We take a car, and as we're loading our couple bags into the back(suddenly the setting is my grandmothe's old house wtf), along with the younger kids, I have a vision? The vision is of the ghost guy holding the steering wheel as Adam tries to stop the car from veering off a cliff, after driving too fast. I tell him to go slow, and we make it past.

Flash forward a bit, and we've split from the little kids, like dropped them off somewhere to be safe, when we suddenly see them in this culdesac. They're running down the street, each of them holding a knife and…ugh, miming sliting their throats? A man on his lawn, because people are coming out to see what the fuck is going on, manages to take the knife from one of the little boys and like wraps him in a hug thing so he cant't hurt himself. But the other two….I can't even describe it, and I won't for the sake of your sanity.

A few months later(I'm assuming), I'm squatting in an old home, and I have a dog apparently. I pick up this newspaper said dog brought in, and the headline is something like 'Teenage Boy Is Mauled By Bear In Woods He Was Living In', and I just know, that's Adam. I'm the only one left.

I go numb, and somehow trip over a large stick my dog had brought in, and there's this moment, where everything slows. And I have two options. I can stop from falling, or I can just…give up.

Then it fades to black.

Deleted user

In one dream I had, my face was directly before a map of North America. I have no clue why a map or a map of North America, but that's beside the point. My eyes then scrolled around, until I noticed two distinct Texas-shaped states. One at the top, bordering Canada, and the other being normal Texas at the bottom. Without me prompting anyone or saying anything, a voice then says:
"Yeah, that one at the top is the real Texas. The one at the bottom is called Vrenskinoal."
for whatever reason, I was perfectly contempt with this.
I believed this after I woke up. I never said anything about there being two Texas-shapes on the map of the United States, but there appeared to be a part of my mind that treated this odd dream as fact and never bothered to correct itself until the afternoon.
It may not be real, but Vrenskinoal will always hold a place in my heart. ;(


In one dream I had, my face was directly before a map of North America. I have no clue why a map or a map of North America, but that's beside the point. My eyes then scrolled around, until I noticed two distinct Texas-shaped states. One at the top, bordering Canada, and the other being normal Texas at the bottom. Without me prompting anyone or saying anything, a voice then says:
"Yeah, that one at the top is the real Texas. The one at the bottom is called Vrenskinoal."
for whatever reason, I was perfectly contempt with this.
I believed this after I woke up. I never said anything about there being two Texas-shapes on the map of the United States, but there appeared to be a part of my mind that treated this odd dream as fact and never bothered to correct itself until the afternoon.
It may not be real, but Vrenskinoal will always hold a place in my heart. ;(

Wait wait holy heck I JUST had a dream about looking at a map of North America and there being like. Fifty. Different. Michigans. No idea why. Just. So. Many. Michigans.


(For some fucking reason, it was Kurt Cobain and Galileo telling me this. They both introduced themselves, and I remember thinking that Galileo looked waaaaaaayyyy younger than 77. Which lead a bit to what they started to tell me because he kinda chuckled a bit and said something along the lines of "That's what we're here to talk about" even though I had said nothing at this point. Went into rules of ghosts even though I had no fucking clue why.)

  1. You choose either the haunting path or the watcher path.
    • Haunting path (called Haunts, so clever) is sort of the typical "Stay in that one abandoned house in a town of your choosing and mess with whichever teens got dared to go in by they're friends or paranormal investigators". They are also occasionally the spirits you might summon when you mess around with a Ouji board with no real person you intent to summon. Pretty much professional pranksters. Meaning they are mostly the spirits of children and teens or sometimes professional comedians.
  • Watcher path is made of spirits known as "Watchers" (Again, so clever). They essentially stay on earth and are tied to a human being to watch over and guide them, similar to guardian angels. They are allowed to choose their human, or they can just have them assigned. The restriction, however, is that you can not watch over someone you are related too, or were close to in life. For example, you can't watch over your daughter or wife or best friend or grandchild. This path is made up almost entirely of people involved in the arts-musicians, artists, writers, actors, ect.- and "STEM" fields- scientists, doctors, engineers, inventors, mathematicians, ect.. Two are assigned to each person, one from the arts and one from STEM. A "Left brain, right brain" situation.
  1. You can visit people you knew in life. Even if you can't be their actual watcher, you can go to visit them for a day or so- like on their birthday, or you and your spouses anniversary, or even the anniversary of your death if your worried about how they're holding up.

  2. You get to choose how you want to look in your ghost form, as long as you looked that way in life at some point. Essentially, you can choose a certain age you want to stay, or choose what you think would be more approachable, or even how you looked on a very specific day. (Galileo obviously did this, choosing to look 22 instead. Kurt said that he just choose a random day so the marks from his death wouldn't show because, quote, "I'm dead, and It's rare to see me without the sight, so I really didn't give a shit outside of accidentally scaring and traumatizing them.")

  3. There is a sort of afterlife, but it's split by path you took, so you mainly just hang around ghost from your path. It's a bit more of where they stay in between humans to watch or their human doesn't need watching for a while because Time is different there. (For example, if you sleep for 6 hours, it had been 18 there, so they do have free time. When you go back is optional if you're assigned to a human.)

  4. The only way to see them when you're awake and they aren't manifesting themselves to you is if you have "The Sight". Basically a sixth sense sort of thing that allows you to see and hear ghost that you're born with. Despite the fact that you are born with it, you don't use it all your life. It starts to develop and slowly show itself as you grow up, starting to actually work/become more of a thing in the person's teen years

Yeah after all that and me asking a bunch of questions they wouldn't answer (Dream ghosts can be jerks sometimes) they just said bye and started fading. But I swear I heard one (not sure which, their features were getting harder to see and their voices almost sounded the same) say "Goodbye child, you'll learn to use your eyes soon."

And then my alarm went off and woke me up because school's an asshole