forum I'm Sorry.
Started by @zillakami-said-acab

people_alt 47 followers


Guys, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, and all the awful things I did. I should probably leave. I gave attention to trolls and I made more enemies than friends. I'm so sorry to everyone I hurt.


Guys, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, and all the awful things I did. I should probably leave. I gave attention to trolls and I made more enemies than friends. I'm so sorry to everyone I hurt.

Trust me, you did nothing wrong. I was there first hand obviously, and you didn't do anything bad. I'm sorry you were given such negative attention because of me, but there's no reason to feel bad about it. If anything I owe you an apology. So, sorry about that.


It was because of my chat thing. I swear I didn't mean it like that, it wasn't a petty move and people took it that way.

We forgive you it's okay! There's nothing to be ashamed of at all! Pls stay if you're comfortable with it!

@saor_illust school

Dear Ephie,

Hi. We were never very close at all, not like say, me and Ella, or me and Ruby and their system, but I believe everyone has a connection to everyone else in some odd way. I met you through Notebook, and that made a connection between us. I don't even actually know the precise topic I'm writing this letter to you about, and that sucks. But I'm writing it, because I want you to know that you didn't cause as much trouble as you think you did. Even if that is true, it's over. Gone, it's in the past. Sure, some people might hold grudges against you for one stupid thing you did, but that's their problem. Besides that, leaving, or in my opinion, fleeing the problem or the thing you fear isn't the best option. Besides that, I'm not quite sure you made that many enemies as you think.

You can't run away from a problem, or a situation that scares you. It will only follow you around, no matter how hard you try to leave it behind. Eventually, you'll have to face it. Maybe it'll get shoved to the back of your brain for a couple of months, or years, but eventually it'll re-emerge and you'll feel guilty about it all over again. The best thing to do (trust me, i've been in your situation before. Different circumstances, but same feelings), is usually to just face the problem or situation head on. It never does anyone any good to run away from it.

The next point I'd like to make is that you have this wonderful community here to support you. We're actually quite like a family. We'll have our arguments sometimes, and sometimes they occur because someone's in a bad mood, or someone's just been pushed over the edge by a tiny disagreement in a series of things that annoy them, but eventually they are resolved. I won't name names, but I could list several times arguments have broke out, and look where we are now. We're still together, one big family. Besides me, you also have Ella, Spork, even @Christmas-Bootleg-Pikachu to support you. In fact, I bet even Shuri would be willing to back me up, that he'd be more than willing to help support you.

And now, let's face the big scary thing together. I don't know what you did that you think is so bad, but I can tell you right now that no matter how people feel about it, there will be two main types of people who react to it. There are the people who will hold grudges against you, or may not even want to talk to you after the situation. But there is still hope – these people won't hold the grudges for too long. It may take a couple of weeks, months, or even years. But eventually, they will come around. Then there are the people who will hold lifelong grudges. But no matter which person they are, be nice to them as best you can. But don't be afraid to politely tell them to stop talking to you. Regardless of what you did, that's no excuse for people to start beating you up with their words. That's not okay. So, if anyone, anyone at all is beating you up with their words, let me know in the PMs who I need to murder next.

Well, of course I'm not going to murder, but I'm probably going to hold a grudge against them for a while. Because nobody should be allowed to beat anyone up, regardless of whether or not it's physical or emotional. It's never okay. You might've heard of the old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." It's not true. Words can have a powerful impact on the way we act, think, and feel. But you've got to know, you're a very, very strong person. You may not feel like it, but you truly are. And at some point in our lives, everyone will experience a point when we've hit rock bottom. Rock bottom is going to be different for everyone. For one, it could be very deep, and hard to climb out of. But for another, it could be shallow, and not hard at all to climb out of. But once you do hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. And you will find the strength to keep going.

And never be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, but rather it's actually a sign of strength. It means you aren't afraid to admit that you can't do something all by yourself. And that's a good. thing We don't want you to silently struggle, while unable to complete that one task. Sometimes, asking for help is all it takes to begin the recovery process. Recover from what, you may ask? Well, it differs. In your case, you might need help to recover from that mental beating up you gave yourself because of guilt. Yeah, that needs to heal. And I'm not saying that you're broken, that you need to be fixed. No. Not at all. You have injuries. Self-inflicted injuries, and you might not've noticed it at first. But they're there. And asking for help is sometimes all it takes for them to begin to heal… finally.

In this letter, I've made several points that I want to get across to you, Ephie. The first of which, is that problems sometimes seem much bigger than they really are. And it seems to me that by leaving Notebook, you're only running away from the problem. And running away doesn't solve anything. I'm not trying to blame you, only trying to make you more aware of the bigger situation at hand. Not only that, but you have the whole community of Notebook, ready to back you up if you need it. We'll be here to offer our help, if you'd like it. And when you've hit rock bottom, just know that the only direction to go is up, and things will only continue to get better from there. It may start to be obvious right away, or it may go slowly, over the course of a couple weeks, months, or even years. But it will start to get better, once you hit rock bottom. I promise. Thanks for reading my letter, if you did, Ephie, and I really hope you take all these things with you and start to incorporate them into your life if you do end up seeing this letter, Ephie.



I have to give thanks to izzy for thinking that one out. I suck with mental support and writing as a whole. Thank you izzy, and Ephe, you got dis

There's no reason, like izzy said, to be afraid to ask for help or to run away from problems. <3
Thank you all for helping each other and being a part of this mostly great community!


I don't know if she's on notebook or not anymore, but I know that I can, sure enough, get the letter to her.

If you wouldn't mind doing that if she is gone, I'm sure any solitude would help her right now, thanks Nie :3