forum I'm pathetic
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 4 followers


I panicked over something and now I can't really feel anything. I don't want to get up. I want to lay down and sleep, and just not move ever again. What he fuck is the point anyway?

lmao this was annoying and angsty sorry for wasting your time


oh no
im not good at advice but I can try
^cue me ignoring that this is from 2 hrs ago^
Tbh taking a nap probably would make you feel better. Have some water. And chocolate if you have it.


okie dokie thank ya

deep breath

This kinda goes a long way back to when I first discovered my love of writing. My sis was like really supportive and thought it was cool (she's older btw). So it's been a quite awhile and about a year ago she started coming up with ideas for stories and she wants to be a writer now too on top of her already being the artist of the family with her career planned out and I just kinda feel like i'm gonna be the underdog in the family now. I mean I know I'm a good writer and all, but I just kinda feel like she's intruding on something that makes me, me. And I guess it's just me being selfish or whatever but I'm just really nervous that people are gonna think she's better than me

It sounds stupid sorry


No, I totally know how that feels. But just remember, your sister can never take your writing style away from you. She also can't take your wonderful personality. She can't take your thoughts or looks or quirks. Those are yours. That makes you who you are. You're still just as unique and amazing as you've always been.