forum I'm new here, gay, and confused. The last two aren't mutually exclusive.
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Helooo, Scribble! :D
It’s nice to meet you!
I’m Ella, that weird artist who just kind of dorks around the forums with no purpose
I like doodling, screaming, Jpop/Kpop, eating many food, and… that’s it
I’m almost always online so if you need help navigating the site or just want someone to talk to, I’m the bean
See you around! <3

Deleted user

Do you know if anyone would want to do a roleplay or something anytime with a random hooman like me?

Deleted user

Um, I'm not really an avid or even a good rper but there's plenty of people on here that would rp with you! Literally probably anyone but me is good at rping on here so you shouldn't have a problem XD

Ok, cool.

@Pickles group

Um, I'm not really an avid or even a good rper but there's plenty of people on here that would rp with you! Literally probably anyone but me is good at rping on here so you shouldn't have a problem XD

Mm same


I exclusively write tiny little fragments of ideas that could potentially become parts of stories but never do cause I don’t actually write them down, I have the memory of a goldfish, and I suck at writing so 90% of the ideas aren’t even good

Deleted user

I can relate on the note of realistic fiction. I mostly write horror with a healthy dose of fantasy, but I like to explore what I can do with my words. The only limits I have are like. nsfw. stuff. Because no. Just no. But otherwise I'm pretty flexible once I get past writers block.

@Pickles group

I exclusively write tiny little fragments of ideas that could potentially become parts of stories but never do cause I don’t actually write them down, I have the memory of a goldfish, and I suck at writing so 90% of the ideas aren’t even good

When I tried, it turned out horribly, even for a nanowrimo project
I will not be finishing it any time soon

Deleted user

Well, I just come up with a general idea of what the characters know and don't know, and then go from there. Like, come up with certain plot points and then move the characters from one to the other. Idk. I just write what feels best in the moment and don't bother editing until later because if I edit as I go along I never get anything done.

Deleted user

I want to be a decent person and continue the conversation but idk what to say.