forum I'm making a movie!!
Started by Jules

people_alt 3 followers

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Also, I have no intent to copyright anything. All my ideas are not something I plan to use in the future so don't worry about me suing you for weird crap like that.


ohh im making a movie about social and gender imbalances. I'm going to show it to my principal to make him consider changing the dress code. I also think it could help alot of people

Deleted user

ohh im making a movie about social and gender imbalances. I'm going to show it to my principal to make him consider changing the dress code. I also think it could help alot of people

Oh, so it's not a sci fi or fantasy. That's going to be easy, you mean a documentary right?


Its going to be based in a future where all of women's human rights are revoked and the main character has to change that(bc thats obviously bad)

Deleted user

Its going to be based in a future where all of women's human rights are revoked and the main character has to change that(bc thats obviously bad)

So basically Handmaiden's Tale for kids?


yeah I guess, i mostly need help with plot points, yaknow any ideas you guys have to make it interesting and unique


have a close guy friend support her, then all of a sudden chnage his mind and be like eff you im out. then come crawling back a little while later when she starts becoming succcessful


ooh shit we could completely destroy the trope of Main-Female-Character-Falls-In-Love-With-Her-Enemy-And-Realizes-She-Was-Wrong-The-Whole-Time bc he ends up ruining the only trust she has left in him good idea


Maybe over time she starts picking up some more girls that are in bad situations that start to join her? I mean it's up to you, but female solidarity can make for a powerful narrative (E.g.: Foxfire)

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Nah, how about a strong female character who don't need no man…. because she's lesbian. And she has a trans bff who can't come out to people that they identify as female, so everyone but her thinks of them as male. Romance between these two is optional but not recommended as it would probably be considered "Extra" but it would also make a point that LGBTQA+ rights matter.

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Yeah, I myself am part of the LGBTQA+ community so I can explain a few things if you need help understanding a few things about LGBTQA+ people.


Okay so how about this: the main character is on her own and she meets up with a trans girl who was kicked out for being trans and together they make [the town with the shit laws] a better place for women. in between we can have the main character meet a boy who claims he wants to help her but initially wants to change her mind because he thinks the way it is currently is fine.

Deleted user

Okay so how about this: the main character is on her own and she meets up with a trans girl who was kicked out for being trans and together they make [the town with the shit laws] a better place for women. in between we can have the main character meet a boy who claims he wants to help her but initially wants to change her mind because he thinks the way it is currently is fine.

Brilliant, dear sir. Or ma'am, or variations thereupon.