forum I'm leaving Notebook.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 58 followers

@Echo_6 group

No one did anything wrong. I wasn't verbally attacked by anyone, so don't blame yourselves. And honestly I'll probably be back sometime later on. Maybe later this month, or several months later. I don't know yet.
I haven't see it a lot here, or like at all, but it's only a matter of time. Yes, this is related to what's going on in the US right now. I'm going to be keeping away from all social media sites for a long time. There is too much hate in this world and it is affecting me badly. I can not let my mental health deteriorate into nothing because of what's going on in the world.
Because my dad happens to be in the profession that is hated at the moment, I have had a hard enough time. I can't sleep at night and I am constantly thinking about what might happen to him. Please understand, my family is big, there are nine of us. He is working his ass off, dealing with people that hate him, so that he can provide for us. If something were to happen to him, I would have to be the one to step up and work for my family. I love my dad, I am the only one in my family that takes after him, and he understands me more than anyone else ever will. I'm already dealing with depression, and am not sure I would live very long if my dad was killed.
Honestly, I'm very disappointed in this country. I'm disappointed in the way people are handling this. I used to be proud of the fact that we were allowed to speak our minds, we're allowed to protest, we're a free country. Now I'm disappointed by how much of a tantrum is being thrown over this. Yes, it was wrong and very bad, we got it, 200+ businesses had nothing to do with it though. You're only hurting yourselves by doing that. What are you going to do when you go out wanting some sort of snack but you can't get a snack because you burned the store to the ground.
Do people understand how much police do? Let's take a moment to imagine our country without police. Someone just broke into your home, what do you do? Any gun owner would likely be okay. But what about anyone else? A murder just happened, what do you do? Someone just stole a thousand dollars worth of stuff from the store. Some yahoo is tearing down the streets in his truck and he just hit four people. One of them was a child. Someone was just raped. A spouse is being abused. A crazy man is holding someone hostage threatening to kill them both. There's been a noise complaint from somewhere. All of this stuff happens and more, everyday. The police can't be everywhere at once so not all of it gets fixed, but they are doing their damnedest to get to everyone. What would happen if there weren't any police? You see my point.
People don't like being told they did something wrong. That's why they don't like police. And when a selfish police officer pulls a stunt like this, it just gives people another excuse to hate all police.
So yeah, I'm avoiding all social media's for a long time. Maybe when I get back things will be better. But in the meantime, I hope everyone is staying safe out there, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
See ya later.

Deleted user

Okay, it's sad you're taking a break, but seriously???
Clearly you don't understand why this is such a big deal. A tantrum? Seriously??? Yeah, hundreds of innocent people are being killed, we're just a little upset over the slight inconvenience.
And nobody wants police to just disappear, Rachel. We want the racism to disappear.
Jesus fucking christ.


Miriam, everyone is currently hating on cops. ACAB (all cops are bastards) is going around. Obviously we all want the racism to go away, but people are blaming all cops for the situation instead of just the cops who were involved. If her father is a cop and is receiving hate like this, it's understandable that she's upset
If you're needing to take a break for your mental health, do what's best for you, hon. I hope things get better for you <3


I understand fren.
Good on you for taking a break. Sometimes it’s difficult in times like this to walk away from all that negativity but it’s so much healthier and smarter in the long run.
hopefully things will get better soon, and the world can return to being semi-peaceful
but until then, we’ll miss you-
stay safe <3<3<3

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Mental health is important, and taking a break from social media can do wonders for it. It sounds like your dad is having a hard time as well, so being there for him is probably a wonderful thing you can do.

Come back any time! No rush. :)


Wild Warrior, you might not remember me, but I remember you. Always, always, always prioritize your mental health. If you don't return, that is okay. I'll miss you <33


Your feelings are valid. It's a tiring time. However, avoid using the word "tantrum" in reference to the protesting, and try to distance the protesters from the rioters. More often than not, the police are the ones escalating the issues. Don't just watch mainstream media –try to find actual boots-on-the-ground video evidence. A lot is going on that you don't understand, and the issue can't be boiled down to something so simple. I personally value Black lives over businesses and buildings, but you can decide that for yourself.

Also, ACAB: All cops are bastards –doesn't mean all cops you meet are going to do something wrong to you. Doesn't mean cops have never done any good. It simply means that all cops support a corrupt system and most cops will turn a blind eye to injustice. Again, look into it for yourself. Don't take my word, but also don't take things at face value. A riot is the language of the unheard. Try to figure out what it is you –and America– are not hearing.

Take time for your mental health.