forum I'm in class and I am bored...gelp.!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

(In college and wants to go home.)
Bored to death…

Deleted user

I'm in chemistry, and the proff. doesn't make any sense!!

Deleted user

Gelp means get help I don't think * your* help…


I have a huge history project sure and my partner has skipped the last three days…do I have permission to kill?

Deleted user

You put the * sigh next to the word, no spaced apart sis.

I know. The wifi just cut out before I could fix it and it automatically sent it…

Deleted user

I have a huge history project sure and my partner has skipped the last three days…do I have permission to kill?

Kill him(or her) with fire, hunny.they desirve it.


No but we had track practice together and I murdered him. Aka I five starred his back very very hard