forum i'm having a hard day, anyone care to cheer me up? (or rant, we can be angsty together)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

i'll start. i'm really tired of being so stressed all the time. tired of being ignored. tired of a lot of stuff actually


For the means of cheering up and trying to be funny, the modes of transportation at my college include bikes, skateboards, Rollerblades, and unicycles
I don't know if that helps, but it always makes me smile to see grown men riding to class on a unicycle


I am SO tired of nobody caring. Especially my family. I get first place in an art contest: Them- Oh cool.
I do something right: Them-You need to do this and this and this
I get all A's: Them- Well, this and this and this isn't right.
I do something (slightly) wrong: Them: SRHGOSYEGROSEBVBSBFGIOVGBSXIGV


Deleted user

and tysm to everyone who is trying to cheer me up you guys are good souls

@HighPockets group

So we went to the aboretum, and I thought it was supposed to rain so I wore a sweatshirt and it was sooooooo hot! And the mosquitos were awful as well, and I didn't have bug spray. There was no tree overhead and the sun kept shining down. And then we went on a scavenger hunt where we had to go through a tree grove and find trees but there were like a million of each type, but not the ones that I needed to find. And then we went boating and my group got nothing done in one part because they ran out of peddleboats so we used a rowboat. And one kid from my group got switched to a different one (which was actually a good thing) and one girl hadn't been boating before and she freaked out every time the boat moved and so we had to turn around 30 minutes in andwe only had 45 minutes to do it. And then I had play practice and had to listen to my friend's gf the whole time and she's super condescending and cheesy.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Wow that reminds me of my last field trip. The bus broke down when we were half way there and when they opened the hood, smoke poured out so they decided to try and inch the bus slowly to the next rest stop that was only about half a mile away but we didn't even make it 25 feet before the bus completely broke down and smoke poured into the part of the bus that we were in. We all had to grab everything (backpacks, extra shoes, sweatshirts, etc) and walk to the rest stop in 94 degree weather. Then we had to wait for another hour at the rest stop for another bus to come pick us up and take us to where we were going for our field trip. Once we finally got there, we had 15 minutes before we had to leave and go back to the school. Needless to say, that field trip was kinda pointless. Afterwards, I had to rush to the band room and change into my marching band uniform because we had to preform at the homecoming football game. So I was at school for over 16 hours, including the early morning band practice, the field trip, and the football game afterwards. I was absolutely done by the end of that day…XD

@HighPockets group

And then I went to Target to get a copy of SOLO and was counting on new action figures being out, BUT TARGET HADN'T STOCKED ANY so now my day has been officially awful :(