forum I’m going to take a break for a couple days...
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Okay, first off this has nothing to do with anybody on this site.
I’m currently drowning in school work and assignments and I’m going to take the weekend off to work on them. I’m also going to be spending time with my family and close friends too.
I’ve recently just been through a breakup. My girlfriend of nine months and I are no longer together and it’s hurts more then I care to admit right now. I need some time to recover from this and I hope you all understand.

As for now, I’m taking leave. I should be back in a few days, though.

I might check in once or twice but I won’t promise anything.


Deleted user

Aw Carrots I'm v sorry about your breakup. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you, bb ^-^
Good luck with school and your work.


I understand darling. You take your break and you do well in school, and recover. I believe in you. Please take care of yourself, and it would be cool if you check in,